Sunday, October 22, 2006

I have a friend...I suppose you don't know him. His name is Wayne. I'm horrified by how frequent he smokes.
Yee Won: How long have you been smoking?
Wayne: Since i was in Standard 6.
Yee Won: Whoa, that's a whole 9 years you've been smoking.
Wayne: It can't be helped, i just find it hard to quit smoking.

He's smoking everwhere. Crossing the road, waiting outside the shops, after he has his meals, I just couldn't take it. He's such a heavy smoker, since i've been to KL,i told myself i shouldn't judge a person's attitude even if he's a smoker. My friends around me should know i detest smokers a lot. i was thinking maybe he picked up this bad habit from someone close(family, Life is unfair, we can't choose good or bad families to live in) or they don't have anything better to do by lighting up cigarettes and puffing them as if they look so cool.
I tried walking beside him, but the wind direction was blowing from sideways, that meant that the '2nd Hand Smoke' was drifting towards me! Man, gotta walk behind him... I've inhaled a fair amount of smoke originated from Sumatra, i think i'd really should be taking care of my respiratory system since he doesn't.*Disgusted*
I know i'm in no position to yell QUIT SMOKING at them. It's their life, if they don't want their lungs it's ok. Who's stupid enough to burn away their money by lighting cigarettes? Burn to their ancestors la, at least you'll be regarded as 'filial'...Staining their teeth,and one or two of yr teeth will be more 'yellower' than other coz that's the teeth that holds the cigarette in place. Yikes~, kissing must be really horrendous with over 400 chemicals(from cigarette) in his saliva + your saliva.

I'm going to study Nursing. i think it's natural for me to be more concerned in health care, to make more people be aware how harmful it is to smoke. If you smoke for fun out of curiousity i won't blame you, because you had also asked yr mum, 'Mum,where do babies come from?'
Here's an Anti-Smoking Ad i found in YOUTUBE. A dying patient with his voicebox removed and lung cancer is still very OPTIMISTIC in life. I wonder if i'm a nurse in 3 years, would i choose to tell the truth or the 'beautiful lie'to a patient ?