Saturday, July 15, 2006

Yo guys, haven't updated my blog for a long time!! I'm now in the cybercafe of Kolej Kediaman 12, the best college in University Malaya. I feel really relieved after the orientation week,because during thta week, there wasnt enough time to eat and rest.And on the last day of the orientation in the Kembara Malam, we actually had to soak ourselves in the stinky, muddy lake just between the blocks of KK 12! We were instructed to wear fully-covered shoes (no slippers allowed), and mud was entering our shoes thoroughly. I don't even feel like wearing back the shoe again.There's still so much sand inside even though i've washed it so many times. But there was a fun part of it, at least on the KK 12 residents got the 'lucky chance' to enter the lake, it's been the tradition for freshies to enter the lake before they can officially call themsleves '12th College residents' ~ The PMs (Pembantu Mahasiswa/wi) were very helpful along the way, though i never bothered to ask for their assistance anyway. There's a PM called Adam who is a 杜德伟look-alike. But i find PM Yong Tat荣达 being the most helpful and sporting one!Most importantly,the good-looking one! There was 1 part where we walked around the campus in themiddle of the night and went to 'sub' other colleges( shouting slogans like 12th, 12th, 12th, Yo, Yo,Yo,Kolej Lain, Poyo Poyo Poyo!). Most of the time i think we were 'shiok sendiri', because they didn't respond to our 'sub'. Imagine walking from12th college ,passing by 5th college,Academic of Islamic Studies and in the map you'll see there's suddenly no buildings along the road. It's because it's Bukit Aman (also known as Bukit Cinta). Our PM told us if u parked your car beside the road on Bukit Cinta, you'll be halau by the Keselamatan Polis of UM, you should know the reason behind this better than me, haha! .Then we walked down the hill and went to 'sub' at 8th College, 3rd College and lastly 2nd College.
It looks like a short distance to walk a circle in the campus of UM, but actually it's very far! Eg: from 12th College to my faculty ( Faculty of Built Environment) takes about 15 minutes. I find myself leading a healthy lifestyle after living 2 weeks in UM, everyday 15 minutes of walk, i'm sure it's a good form of exercise because in JB we rely a lot on cars to go to our destination, even if it's a trip to a near by convenient store. If the time of our lectures are more than 3 hours apart, we'll go back to our college to rest and take our bathe, that means 1 hour of walking in a day alone... Thank God we don't have classes on Friday,or else we would have to wait til Friday to go back to our hometown.
Anyway,those are the higlights of my Orientation week,(sorry if it made you yawn_+_*). Hope you'll give me some comments, whether good or bad! Thanks a lot! ( Next episode - 12th College facilities and Estate Management)