Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Hello, to those who have been reading my blogs, thanks a lot for your support. i do not reckon i have interesting, heart-melting stories to share with you, but i'm satisfied as long i share my daily normal-to-hell stories with you...
I haven't posted a blog entry for about a month, so what have i been doing lately? After meeting with Bryan Teu (see previous blog entry), i started applying Degree courses on NUrsing, so i applied for quite a few unis such as University of Tasmania, Curtin University of Technology & Southern Cross University (the later has mid-year intakes).Unfortunately, no news heard from Curtin & Southern Cross yet, maybe it's because i haven't took my IELTS exam yet.
A few days ago, i received an E-mail from Uni of Tasmania, announcing that i had been accepted to a Nursing degree course in Launceston, Tasmania. This also included a scholarship of 25% deduction from my tuition fees. After reading the e-mail, i was seethed with excitement. The total tuition fee for the 3-year degree course is AUD$ 40,500, after deducting 25%, the total tuition fee i have to pay is AUD$30,375, convert it to Ringgit is AUD$30,375 x 3(+,-)=RM 91,125. My dad has to pay a total of RM 91,125 for the 3-year degree course for my studies in Tasmania, Australia. Before this, Monash Uni of Malaysia offered Biotechnology to me, if i want to accept the offer, i'll have to pay for my 1st semester fees, approximately RM 15,000 (per semester, including lab fees). There are 6 semester in 3 years, RM 15,000 x 6 = RM 90,000.* Note the figures in red, if you ask me, which one will i choose, of course i'll choose to study in Tasmania , Australia. The tuition fee for 3 years compared to Biotechnology and Nursing doesn't vary a lot, hopefully i'll be granted scholarships when i get there! According to Shao Hern, Tasmania is a rural and remote ---> super 'ulu'的地方. Well, most importantly, i'm not interested in laboratory work and i can't imagine having to do research using all kinds of high-tech gadgets, looking into microscopes and experimenting with samples, DNAs and all that kind of biology stuff. I know myself well enough i'm not a 'lab-genius' who likes fiddling with test tubes and scientific instruments. I started thinking and thinking... and i told myself i shouldn't waste my dad's money to study something i'm not interested in, although ' Biotechnology' is highly sought after by many undergraduates nowadays, it's the 'in' thing to study at the moment. Moreover, Biotechnology sounds nice too...
The course will commence in February 2007, so i will have to wait another half a year or so. I've wasted so much time by just 'waiting' to get into university. But the letter mentioned i'll be graduated in 31st December 2009. When my dad knew that i got the offer from Uni of Tasmania, he was thrilled and phoned his friend ( he has a son studying medicine at Uni of Tasmania) to tell him about the good news and asked him how this small town ' Launceston" is. My dad even started planning that he will visit friends in Melbourne, Wellington & Sydney, but ma and i said my dad 想太多了! I'll still apply for other universities for the Bachelor of Nursing course, not giving up even though i got 1 offer. Many people will ask whether i like this course or not? i will answer them," i'll definitely choose Nursing over Biotechnology, because i prefer dealing with people rather than high-tech equipments. Who would ever think o taking a degree course in Nursing, because diploma "够吃了!" (say it loudly in Hokkien)
My grandma thinks it's a dirty job, and told me being a teacher would be a wiser decision! But after being a GSTT (Guru Sandaran Tidak Terlatih) for approximately 5 months, i think i didn't learn much besides the failure of education policy in Malaysia. Kids are being tormented with so much homework, exercises on papers, extremely heavy schoolbags, after-school tuitions and expecting high academic achievements! i wonder how i went through 6 years of hell in primary school. The kids in the 'not-so-good" classes, "只是马来西亚教育政策的牺牲品罢了!" Not everyone is born with intelligent brains. In conclusion, i find myself learning practically nothing as being a GSTT for 5 months.
Uncle Tom (not Tom & Jerry 的 Tom) once said, " this profession will take you anywhere in the world! It's a passport to any country." Sounds too good to be true, bit i really hope to see more of the world when i'm still young. Give me any comments okay?i really hope to hear from you! Still dunno what Malaysia Uni will offer to me, better be something good!